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Tea News - It's Tea Time!

Behind The Scene (BTS): Create Your Own Blend

Behind The Scene (BTS): Create Your Own Blend

In case you were wondering how your unique tea or herbal blend is created before it is being sent out, we've taken a few photos to share alittle about the process! - Step 1: You decide on your base - tea or herbal as well as the botanicals! You give it a name and share any particular blending notes you'd like your tea lady to take note e.g. you'd like it to be more floral or less spices etc. It's your blend, you decide! Go ahead and place your order. Step 2: Your tea lady received your order along with...

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Botanical Spotlight: all you need to know about Chamomile

Botanical Spotlight: all you need to know about Chamomile

Chamomile that belongs to the family of Asteraceae, is one of the most sought-after medicinal plants in the world. It's grown across Asia, Europe, and America, and was as well, introduced into India during the Mughal period.  The dried flower of chamomile contains important phytochemicals such as terpenoids and flavonoids, which are secondary metabolites that help in fighting off various ailments. Since time immemorial, chamomile has been used for its antioxidant, mildly astringent, anti-inflammatory, and healing properties.  Chamomile can be consumed as a herbal tea and presently, has now become a common and perfect ingredient for many herbal tea blends....

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4 Myths About Tea Capsules

4 Myths About Tea Capsules

Teapod Myth #1: Tea in capsules is not good tea We're mindful about this topic, and that's why we use the same high quality loose leaf tea that we use in our regular blends for the Tea Pods. The manufacturing process takes place in Singapore so followed the process closely to ensure quality is maintained. Teapod Myth #2: You need to clean your Nespresso machine Tea Pods are designed to be easy and convenient, and that means your Nespresso machine needs no special attention before or after using them. Just open, insert the Tea Pod, and press the button. Tea...

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The 6 Steps To A Perfect Japanese Tea Ceremony

The 6 Steps To A Perfect Japanese Tea Ceremony

While sipping through my warm cup of tea, I can recall the history of Japanese tea. And it made me curious as to what are the steps of Japanese tea ceremony? Why is it held so highly by the Japanese? For a country with such a rich culture like Japan, most traditions are founded in history and significance. And we can say the same when it comes to their Japanese tea ceremony. There is an art and spirituality behind tea drinking in Japan. And because of the cultural and political implications of the ceremony, tea drinking in Japan is not...

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The history of Japanese tea

The history of Japanese tea

Have you ever wondered where Japanese tea came from? What’s the history of Japanese tea? How did it start and who started it? In this post, we will get to know more about the history of Japanese tea and how it came about. The History of Japanese Tea Ceremony Behind the calm and peaceful ceremony of preparing and serving a Japanese tea, there is so much depth of history. And there is beauty in really knowing the origin and how it became an important part of a royal family’s ritual and ceremony. So today, as you sip your heartwarming Japanese...

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